Sunday 29 June 2014

RV Trip Advisor Anhui

DAY 0 
Rayfont Hotel 
3/5 stars

The hotel room was spacious and well decorated, giving us a sense of belonging. There were adequate furnitures, good enough for is to rest well after the flight from Singapore to Shanghai. The only thing was that there was no wifi in the room, except this, everything was okay, thus we rated it three out of five stars.

DAY 1 
High Speed Rail
4/5 stars

On the high speed rail, the air conditioning was good and managed to cause me to fall asleep, and the seats were quite wide for an average person to sit, but the pathway was quite narrow such that two people could walk though easily. Most importantly, it was a stable and quiet ride, so we rated it four out of five stars.

3/5 stars

In this restaurant, we got the first hand experience to try out the local dishes in Anhui. The dishes were okay, just that we were quite accustomed to the food in Singapore, so we did not really eat that much as compared when we were in Singapore. Even though we could not really appreciate the dishes at our tables, but when we trying the dishes the first time, we got to see the clear difference between the cooking methods in Anhui and the cooking methods in Singapore. As we did not really accustomed to the taste, so we rated it three out of five stars.

5/5 stars

In Sanhe Guzhen, we viewed a lot of residences in it and also spotted a lot of cultural relics that was valuable for our learning for the culture of Anhui. In Sanhe Guzhen, we managed to see a replica of the first man in China who got the novel prize in physics, and surprisingly, he was also a great generals, with a lot of commendations. In Sanhe Guzhen, we learnt about the" 马头墙“, which was a wall between two residences, to prevent fire from spreading from one house to another house. From this useful architecture, we can learnt from the people of the past. All in all, Sanhe Guzhen was truly an eye opener for us and got us exposed to the culture in Anhui, so we rated it five out of five stars.

Holiday Inn Express Hefei South
5/5 stars
The hotel room in Holiday Inn was indeed fabulous, with comfortable beds and even a wide table for is to do our reflections and the toliet was clean and hygienic, and there was still wifi, thus we rated it five out of five stars.

DAY 2 
Hefei 45 School
4/5 stars

In Hefei 45 middle school, we were privelleged and honored to have the Chinese students there to be our buddies. During the lessons taught by the various teachers, we gained a lot of knowledge and also learnt about a subject, that we had never encountered it before in river valley high school, it was politics. In politics, we learnt about the rights of people as well as rules,regulations and laws that every citizen had to abide by. Even though we could not really understand the subject but we still get the gist of the lesson. Even though the time spent with our buddies in Hefei 45 middle school was enjoyable, the toilet was unbearable and we were wondering if the students there dreaded the stench coming out of the toliet , thus we rated it four out of five stars.

3/5 stars

In this restaurant, we get to try a variety of dishes and the delicious would quite appealing and we ate quite a lot compared to the previous restaurant that we mentioned. From the food served at our table , we were able to see different cooking methods displayed in each dish, and overall, the dishes were quite nice, thus we rated it three out off five stars.

Anhui Museum
5/5 stars

In Anhui museum, we get to visit various exhibitions, exhibiting different types of historic sand cultural relics in mainland China, as well as Anhui. One of the commonly used cultural relics were the four treasure of study. The brushes that we used to paint a landscape portrait could be seen in the display booth, with different sizes and patterns lined up and it really surprised us by the various size of the brushes and the purposes for it. Our questions were answered by the knowledgeable guide and it really let us gained a lot of knowledge and insight of the culture in Anhui, as well as in China. The trip to Anhui museum was definitely a good and enriching one, and we hoped that we could visit the museum again.

China Intangible Cultural Heritage Park
1/5 stars

In China intangible cultural heritage park, we were awed by the wonderful decorations put up at the entrance. In the park, we managed to spectate a rooster fight, where two roosters were put on the stage and they had to fight for survival and the winner would get a piece of meat. From here, we can see the cruelty displayed in the rooster fight, which was the culture in Anhui. Later on, we went on to spectate the circus. When we stepped into the circus tent, we were awed by the environment inside the tent and we were expecting a good performance put up, but it turned up otherwise. During the circus, we saw four tigers acting and when they were reluctant to perform the act, the ringmaster hit the tigers with a metal bar, and the tigers did not retaliated but squirmed in agony. Even though the tigers were hurt and continuously refused to perform, the ringmaster did not give a second thought and continued abusing them. If we were in the tigers point of view, we would feel that it is very painful and that the ringmaster should not abused them, but standing in the ringmasters point of view, the tigers performing acts would just give them profits, money to provide a livelihood for his family, money to live. So this really led us into thinking that why are the people are resorted into abusing these animals and why are there no measures taken out to improve the lives of its people. As many of us were struck by the animal abuse displayed in the circus performance, thus we rated it one out of five stars.

Cable car on Huangshan
4/5 stars

During the cable car ride to Huangshan, it was quite enjoyable as I could see the mountains, which gave me a heavenly feeling and the right was quite smooth, except for some occasional bumps here and there, so we rated it four out of five stars.

4/5 stars

In Huangshan, we got to witnessed the magnificent scenic view displayed in front of our eyes. The heavenly background of the mountains really awed most of us as it was our first time climbing Huangshan and getting  to witness the paramount view of other mountains in Huangshan. For the sake of witnessing the sunrise, we woke up at 4.05am to witness the whole process of sunrise. The sunrise was indeed marvellous, and by waking up early, really paid off. The sunrise was quite nice and glaring, sending luminous rays of light, which fascinated us. The cold air that enveloped us really gave us a heavenly feeling, which was enjoyable. All in all, Huangshan is a very nice place to visit and that it gave us a memorable experience, that would never be wiped off for the rest of our life, thus we rated out four out of five stars.

Dinner on Huangshan
4/5 stars

During the dinner on Huangshan, the quality of the food was much better compared to the previous restaurant mentioned. The food was very appealing and we ate quite a lot, thus we rated it four out of five stars.

黄山 北海宾馆
3/5 stars

The hotel room was not as spacious as compared to other hotels and that it was very crammy. The hotel room did not even have a proper table for us to do our reflections and that the pathway in our hotel room was narrow, as two persons could not walk through and the toliet was also very crammy, thus we rated it three out of five stars.

Hongcun Ancient Village
4/5 stars
In Hongcun Ancient Village, we get to visit the residences that had been preserved over the few decades and it could be clearly seem on the exterior and the interior of every residences. We learnt that when the breadwinner or the master of the house is out, they would split the table into halves and moved them to the two sides of the living room and we also noticed that there was a vase on the left side of the table and a clock at the others side of the table. We found out that it symbolizes serenity, and it was then we truly learnt about the various, interesting culture practices, displayed in their residences, thus we rated it four out of five stars.

4/5 stars

In the hotel room, the room was spacious and there were comfortable bed, wide table for us to pen down our reflections. Furthermore, the toliet was hygienic and there was even a bathtub. As the hotel room was on par with the first and the second hotel room that we stayed at, we rated it four out of five stars.

Xidi Ancient Village
4/5 stars

In Xidi ancient village , we got to witness the cultural practices of the people of the past, which fully resembled and matched the practices in Hongcun ancient village, thus we also learnt a lot other than our visit to Hongcun ancient village, thus we rated it four out of five stars.

3/5 stars

This house was built by a rich and famous businessman, and in the house, we could see the pavilions, various decoration, that symbolizes wealth, prosperity as well as his place in the society. Even though the interior of the house was marvellous, we did not really learnt that much compared to our visit to the two ancient villages, thus we rated it three out of five stars.

4/5 stars

The last stay in this hotel room was definitely memorable. The hotel room was beyond my expectations. It was well furnished, wide and spacious enough to hold at least six people and the toliet was exceptionally hygienic, thus we rated it four out of five stars.

Tunxi Ancient Street
5/5 stars

In this ancient street, we got to visit some old, famous trademark shops that sell the local products of Anhui. We got to buy the local products, some really nice local food products, for our parents to try and relish on it. As it was the only and the last time we were allowed to buy things on the street, it was the one of the memorable day of the trip, thus we rated it five out of five stars.

Yue Fei Mausoleum
3/5 stars

In the Yue Fei mausoleum, we learnt a brief history of Yue Fei from the tour guide and we even visted the mausoleum of Yue Fei and his son. Even though we were able to see the mausoleum of Yue Fei and his son, we did not really learnt about the in depth history of Yue Fei, thus we rated it three out of five stars.

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